Reception Theory

the image denotates to the viewers that Reebok only deals with the best of the best, and will make you as successful as 50 Cent. You can see that Reebok is trying to send a message to the viewers that they are as stylish and important as 50 Cent promoting the idea that rebook is still relevant. The negotiated meaning could be telling the viewers that you should not be ashamed of who you are that you should embrace who you are, this feeling is demonstrated with the wording "I am what I am". But the more oppositional reading would be that the text shows the viewers something that is close to typical stereotype to black American figures. This could be shown due to an image in the frame. The fingerprints, fingerprints are normally incorporated with crime and the fact that the fingerprints are a significant image in the frame, these two together may give the viewers the wrong interpretation. 

The denotation of the image would be that nike is the company you need to use in order to succeed in life and that you win with nike. The negotiated meaning would be that winning is a difficult task and that you need to put in all your effort to win. The oppositional reading would be that nike is portraying a very shallow image by focusing on winning, showing that winning is extremely important when in fact it isn't.

2)Do these adverts provide evidence for the idea that audiences are free to interpret messages in a variety of ways  - including rejecting them? Answer this question as a mini-essay, exploring both sides of the argument.

Everyone perceives and interoperates anything and everything in their own ways due to personal morals and beliefs given to us from our society and our upbringings, every human has the ability of free thinking, they have the right to reject any ideas given to them, even if those rejections are ridiculous, these advertises are clear examples of how different people would interpret the texts differently. But sometimes there have been cases where the audience overthinks the text giving a strange interpretation that does not correlate with the text at all. 

I do believe that any audience is free to interpret any text in their own manner, that is how discussion is made, this is how progression is made, even if sometimes the opinion can be incredibly stupid. 


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